Saturday 19 February 2011

Are you worth it...?

I cannot believe that i am saying this

addmitting that it's true.

I really could not live without you

I simply don't know what i do.

Your like a drug i need you

everyday i need more and more

you crush me from the inside

destory everything i stand for

It's actually quite patheitic

what with all the fucking lies

that i still believe and want you

forever in my life.

I hate you being with me

but then I'd hate more if you wernt

I love you arms around me

Even though it always hurts

Why is it always like this

I'm at war with my own heart.

I keep saying i'm better off without you

But my heart won't let us part.

One day maybeI'll wake up

and my heart then will decide

if i can or cannot live without you

and keep intact my pride....

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