Wednesday 16 February 2011

This is what dreams are made of

I was looking though tumblr today and i saw this picture..

It gave me such hope, hope for everything in life that i want..

hope for peace and hope for love.

If there is one part of the world, just at least this one place, that is so amazingly peaceful and breathtakingly beautiful. does that not mean that one day the entire world..maybe, just maybe will be the same...

I know it's a dream, a slightly over the top dream but everything good thing that happens starts with a dream right, for something good to happen, someone must have wanted it, or at least dreamed about it.

I just simply love how full of everything this picture is, SO MUCH could be going on here and you just cannot know.

Here someone could be laughing, crying, praying, dancing, sleeping..ANYTHING....this picture just holds so much...

I love just how clean the sand is, and beautiful and clean the ocean's hard to believe, in other parts of the world people are dying every five minutes due to poor or dirty conditions. It makes me sad, that they will never ever get to experience this, to experience the beauty that this planet has...

I don't understand why the whole world cannot just share, there is enough on this earth for everyone to live a comfortable life, it just seems, that some people seem to live a life of luxury, whilst others are struggling to survive..

It shouldn't be about what you have but who you spend time with nature..ok so there might not be a beach like this near where you live, but i bet there is somewhere equally as beautiful...and you should enjoy and embrace it, and maybe give a little of the extras to the ones who need it more.

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