Friday 25 March 2011

When people change.....

Oh i sometimes do not know why i am bothering anymore with you.
It's always about you and life always revolves around what you want. I am sick to death of everything being on YOUR terms, like really...
I really am fed up of only being your friend when you want me to, you keep me hanging the whole time, and then more often than not let me down anyway. Thats not ok, and you know what..? It's about time that you learnt that. But then it's also about time i learnt to tell you this to your face and not just write it on a blog, hoping that you might see it and realise it's you i'm taking about.

One day i will get the courage to tell you exactly what i am feeling, you make out to be this 'amazing friend' but only when you want something, when it comes to ANYTHING to do with me, then suddenly your 'too busy' or 'don't have the time right now' It hurts...i need to learn to say no to you, and i need for you to understand i am not just a go between, and somewhere to go if you have no one else,i have my REAL friends and i would much rather be spending my time with them to be perfectly honest.
Urgh, i cannot believe how out of order you are being. Friendship can be a right pain sometimes :/

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