Friday 4 March 2011

Just like a pill

'I swear you just like a pill,
Stead of making me better
You keep making me ill'

So following on from my other blog last night, i decided i would 'rediscover' some of Pink's music.
And you know what got me? Was that all of her music, the lyrics were so fucking true.!
I was listening to Just like a pill...
It's actually true that its not just drugs you can get addicted to, yeah if you pop pills..spesh the illegal kind you are bound to get addicted..but it's not always about that kind of addiction.

The addiction is this it really that possible to be addicted to a person to a point where you cannot life without them and can't function if you dont talk to them.
I don't really know, i mean, I'm only 19 and i don't think ive liked someone enough yet to get to a stage where i can say i can relate to the lyrics....
But my best friend is dating a guy who is meant to be making her happy...and yeah ok, he does that sometimes, but most of the time he's a complete fucking arsehole and has her in tears... but you know what...even though he is making her worse she cannot walk away... he's like a drug to her...and dangerous and eventually lethal drug...

And in another way, maybe the song is talking out the people and friends that generally try to help someone but make everything a million times worse..i could understand that point of view, so many people have ended up making me worse when all they were trying to do was help.... I'll get paranoid that i said too much, or they will say something and i will twist it to make it what i 'think' they always ends up making me worse, even though their purpose was to make it better...

Hmmm..All i know is that this song really does reach out to so many people...

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