Saturday 26 March 2011

So you think you can dance.....

Okay see this is the thing i am talking about when it comes to equal opportunities for dancers all over. I am currently sitting downstairs on the sofa and my mum is watching 'So you think you can dance.' This amazing dancer came on my screen and introduced herself as Kaite, she told the judge panel she would be doing contemporary and oh my gosh, she literally reduced me to tears...she was that amazing, she got though, and don't get me wrong, she totally deserved it...there were many other dancers in her position aswell, they were amazing, they had it ALL there, they deserved to get though!. Then there were the other dancers who back up my argument. A young man came on the screen and introduced himself, he had the most beautiful and most touching heart, so much passion for what he does and for dancing itself, but then, when he danced, he didn't have any of the technique there, you could tell he had not really had no dance training, however, he put so much of his heart into it, and it upset me when he finished to have his dreams crushed because 'he was not good enough' ok so he wasn't the best 'dancer' there, but in my eyes i could see he was the best TRUE dancer, because to me, real dancing is about feeling it inside your heart, and moving with your body, and besides who knows.? Given the chance and the training he could be amazing! There was another girl who was deaf, and she learnt music and dance by feeling the vibrations, she didn't get though either because of stupid things like 'her lines were not right' ok, i understand this comp is looking for the best 'dancer, but why can she not even have a chance..? The panel even said if she had training she would be awesome..! It makes me mad! She could be such a role model for people who have disabilities, there will be people who want to dance, but feel they can't because they are deaf, well wouldn't she show the world something totally different. I'm just saying that THESE are the people who deserve to be given a chance, people like this are our future if we have any chance of equality.. So if you guys are reading this, i want to thank you, for having the courage to get up on that stage and just dance, despite what people may think about you, or if people say you can't do it. I encourage you to carry on with your dreams of being dancers. You can do it, and you deserve it just as much as any other person if not more. Good luck! This is what real dancing should be.

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