Tuesday 29 March 2011

Letter from a friend....

So i need to write another blog, because something has just happened to majorly affect me! I was sitting reading though all the letters and different things in my (now huge) memory box and i cam across a letter from a friend of mine that she had written about two years ago.

Never before has something given me such hope, it's amazing, that just a few words on a paper, which may seem insignificant to so many people has so much impact upon my life. I cannot believe looking now that i forgot i had that letter, i cannot believe i have not looked at it in months, i used to sleep with it under my pillow for christs sake!

It's such a beautiful note full of heart, love and spirit, and it reminds me of that person, and of the fact that the things in the letter, are things they say to me in real life anyway! I'm not going to mention who wrote this letter, i think i would actually die from embarrassment if they knew and saw this....so just in case they do see it (highly unlikely) i shall keep it schum :)

I was sitting there on my bed crossed legged just staring, literally staring at this letter, reading it over and over again, and no matter how hard i tried to not do so, my eyes filled and overflowed with tears, I miss them, i miss them so much, i'm going though so much right now, and i keep thinking that if their letter has that much power over me imagine what that person could do if they were here! There are days right now where i just want to crawl into a hole and die.... I don't think i would be alive without this person, i really don't, and when i'm feeling down, finding a letter like this, really, could not have come at a better time. I am so thankful.


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