Friday 18 March 2011

From a different angle....

Today was, i think, one of the most inspiring days I have had in a long while. My urban class for a start, even though i couldn't dance, i got to see SUCH A DIFFERENT side to all my class mates, i got to see them dance with passion and with hope in their hearts, and it was amazing....
Some of the girls in that class, never express themselves, but oh my gosh, today i had tears in my eyes, i literally was so close to crying it was unreal. My tap class could have gone better considering i was in too much pain with my head and neck to even sit in a class haha! But then tap is tap i adore it no matter what way it is presented to me, even more so than any other form of dance.

Finally i had my acting class, normally by this lesson EVERYONE is tired and fed up, it's Friday afternoon, we have been dancing all day, and literally everyone is pooped and just wants to go home! But today we started on a new assessment based on the style of epic theatre, we got this sheet with all the different topics we were aloud to cover and then got into groups to start the task of creating and devising a performance...I've never been able to talk so openly in a place like that about all the problems i have had in my life, and for once, i was not afraid, We also got allot of work done...I don't know, i think that two passes and two merits for my previous assessment..well not exactly good is it? Ok so i thought i would have failed for sure but still not amazing, I have a feeling about this one though, i am so ready to put my heart into this and DIVE HEADFIRST into this challenge, i cannot wait!

to be continued.......

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