Saturday 27 August 2011

What is perfection..?

So i just read a friend of mine's blog, and she has just posted a blog about what really is perfection...(btw read her blog her name is Daisy!! trust me!) and it really made me think, i cannot understand my own heart, and why it is that i can read what she wrote and with every fibre of my being understand what she is getting at and where she is coming from, yet at the same time only seem able in my mind to bring these words into context when looking at anyone but myself.

I currently am sitting here crying my eyes out and not sleeping because i have put four pounds on in the past couple of days, and i'm literally in a self loathing stage, to a point where all i am fuelling towards myself is pure hatred...but really, what the fuck does it matter if i'm ten pounds or a thousand pounds...but for some reason inside it does...for any other person i would tell them that four pounds is actually nothing, and i know, that that is right, spesh as i weighed myself just after i had got home from a meal with my friends, i know that im more likely to have put weight on then , but still theres that voice, 'you've put on weight', 'your fat', 'you need to stop now', 'you cannot be happy like this.' and the more i try to push it out, the louder it gets till it's all i can hear... I am sick to death of seeing images in magazines of products offering you the 'perfect' hair or 'perfect' skin...when literally all the models used have been airbrushed to create something so flawless....because it's not real, even though it's teaching our society it is...and i don't know, but i think it's dangerous, alot of young girls these days are ending up with eating disorders and body dismorpher and a host of other body related illnesses, and it needs to stop.

Now Daisy has an incredibly wise head on her shoulders, and she said that we spend forever searching for some kind of perfection, and honestly, she could not be more right, but what happens, at the end of the day when the perfection we are seeking is not even real? because most of it is certainly not. The thing is..people always want what they can't have, so skinny girls would look upon curvy as perfection and vise versa and im not saying thats the case every time, but just most of the time it unfortunately is.

HAPPINESS as Daisy said is what perfection really is, to just be truly happy, that is perfection...

I just worry sometimes that the world is too far along in this built up world it's created to see that...

But for everyone reading this blog i want you to remember THAT YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL in each and every single way possible, and if you are happy, then you a perfect just the way you are, forget your imperfections, flaws, blemishes, your size, weight WHATEVER and remember you individual and a beautiful human being who has been blessed with a chance to live on this beautiful planet...


Ok so i can't copy and paste links :( but I was going to paste daisy's website here!!!! but please please, take a second of your time to read it,...! Her blog really is awesome!

and this link, because i know it off by heart yeyyy :) please everyone check this out too :)


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