Tuesday 9 August 2011

Germany Day One

On my first morning in Germany i actually woke up super early and there was no one up, ( i think when your waking up at three am that is normally the case!) So i got up a read for a little bit, went on the computer, then tried to sleep again, i got to sleep late so by the time i got up again i was crazy tired! This day was pretty relaxed and we were home alone, just me and my beautiful brother and sister, i said i wanted to just simply see their town and Germany so we took a walk around the town and over to the park...all i can say is that it really is the most beautiful little town i have ever seen in my entire life, it is one of those places you look at and think 'GERMANY' instantly. When we got the park there was this beautiful little pond/lake where some ducks were swimming about happily...(like i would be in that country!) Our wonderful mom had given us a bag full of bread to feed them so we found a little area to sit and throw bread to them, i loved how there were little rocks dotted around this side of the lake, not big enough to obscure the view, but big enough to sit on comfortably...

After we ran out of bread i decided i wanted to go on the playground area and get to act like a big kid again, i literally felt so free, i climbed on this swing closed my eyes, and BAM, no matter what was going on it was not significant anymore to me. and even then when it started to rain a little, we sat in a little house and just laughed and had a good time, something simple, made me feel so happy!

After about five minutes the rain had stopped so we decided to walk home and meet up with a friend of Janine's called Tessa, who was meant to be meeting us in the park but had got on the wrong bus and become lost! haha. So we went home and waited there while her grandparents dropped her off at house! Janine then asked if we should go get some ice cream and let me tell you i have never been so excited in my entire life! Trust me if you have been to Germany and had their ice cream you would know WHY i was so excited! I didn't have any in the fall and winter when i was in Germany, nor did i have any in June so i was so happy to get to have some again, it really is the best ice cream you could possibly ever try!

So after that with a full up belly we went home, and i curled up on the sofa with a cigarette and German beer which i dont normally drink in England but in Germany its just too good!!!!!!

Slightly excited for the week ahead.

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