Thursday 25 March 2010

To dance is to love

So today i was in college and Clarice asked me if i could come out of my voice class early so i could go over her choreography for her performance she has to do next week..which (hahahahaha) I am dancing in...
So being the noon that i am i happily left my lesson without getting my EMA form signed!!
Anywho..! This dance is basically a story of two young girls during a war time, both of whom love to play together in the attic of their house..playing with old hats and scarfs that they might find there...
Today was one of those days where i was feeling totally craptacular, so i was very happy getting to actually do some form of dancing.. even if it was ballet which is my weakest by far...
So literally i danced my ass off to the best i could do...which was fun considering my knee was friggin killing me where i twisted it on monday i dance class..
But it gave me a reason to let go of everything, I came out of that room and 1 1/2 later and felt so much better that i actually cried...Dancing is amazing, it gives me wings that i lack on such a regular basis and helps me get out of the darkest of days with much more ease... :)
I found this poem a while ago which sums up dance to me :) ......

I dance for the love
I dance even when i feel pain
I dance knowing theres something to gain
I dance for the love
I dance for me
I dance for everyone to see
I dance for the love
I dance as the sunshine
I dance for the love
I dance with words to say
I dance all day
I dance for the love
I dance even when you leave
I dance and still believe
I dance for the love

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