Friday 26 March 2010

Be the change ♥

Look around and take in this beautiful word. Anything can inspire and change you and give you a new reason to hope and to believe.
The first step in achieving a dream/goal/ambition is believing for yourself that whatever it is can be attained. Then there is the road to it...
Some dreams can be like walking the path to hell, but at the end of the day, who said anything would ever be easy? Obstacles are put in your way for a reason and to set you a challenge, if they were not there then nothing would ever be learnt. I believe you need to go through bad experiences and bad times in your life to become a better person and fully appreciate all the good things that this world has to give....

Begin to love the earth and what is in it. You have to walk on it and live here everyday, so it's time to start seeing the true beauty... Think about the trees and start to recycle more often, Trees give us the oxygen that enables us to live, we need to learn to live in harmony with nature instead of fighting against it. If you see some litter on the floor pick it up and dispose of it, it's little steps like this that can do so much in the long run if everyone did it...Even better would be to not litter at all...

Anything war can do peace can do better and that is a fact, so start proving it! Don't hate people unless you have a very good reason to hate is a strong word, Hate can lead to lives being lost and destroyed, try to see the good in everyone and open up your heart, so people need someone to just tell them they are beautiful or that they are loved...BE that person

You must be the change you wish to see in the world.....

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