Sunday 21 March 2010

Dreamin ♥

I have realized that life is to short to sit and worry about the what-ifs, and the 'if only', in a car accident on Monday, and coming out of it very lucky, made me realise that life is a very precious thing that should not be taken for granted. I looked back and reflected upon what i have been doing recently and saw that i take many people, of whom mean the world to me for granted too much and that's something that needs to stop. I saw how i was afraid to say what was in my heart and on my mind, and knew that had to change if i was going to become a better person.

So today i said what i needed to say, to everyone who i felt i needed to say it to, and overall i feel better for it. I'm trying to remember that everything in life happens for a reason, and try to remember that whatever happens it is better to live life with no regrets, than to live life regretting something that cannot be changed only to miss out on other beautiful life experiences.

I know now that i am insecure in myself, and that i have trouble trusting people which is not good and a total problem of mine, but I'm prepared to try and change that starting from now, before i lose some amazing friends and people, that i have been blessed to meet and have in my life...people of whom it would be terrible to lose..

Learning to embrace every moment and make the most of everything that happens..starting to believe in things unseen, and recognising the beauty that surrounds me, a time to open my eyes.

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