Tuesday 11 September 2012

9/11 two thousand and one

thirteen years on and the 9/11 is still something that plays upon my heart and mind every single day and on today, it plays on my mind 24/7. I wish more than ever that i could be in new york that i could be a part of the crowd standing and honouring the dead at ground zero...not that i won't spend my time honouring them here.
I can't believe that this awful tragedy took place 11 years ago because in my heart i literally can remember it as if it were yesterday..i can remember exactly where i was, exactly what the news reader said...and it pains my heart so so bad...There is no forgetting it, there is no brushing the memory aside, i don't think it is possible to do that with something on an epic scale like this.I wish there was a button to life that erases things that are so tragic, but theres not...this is life as we know it ,no matter how much i throw a hissy fit and protest...no matter how much any one throws one...its only significant when more than one person does it at once.
I hope that all the victims are at peace now and not still left suffering with the question of why..don't try to understand, this is not something we are meant to understand, walk to the light, let go and be free like you all so greatly deserve. I trust that the angels were there that day...i fully believe in the angels, and even though it broke their heart because they could not take the pain away, i believe they lifted you all up in their arms and took you up to god...i believe this with all my heart. i know your souls are not lost anywhere, i know the angels made sure you got home safe. I want you all to know that we think about you everyday, not just me, but as a world you are within are hearts always, not a day goes by when we do not pray for your souls, today more than ever. I can promise you that you did not die in vain...i can promise that.
Bin Laden and co (i know I'm pure evil for wishing this on another human being) but i hope you rot in hell forever...but id like to increase your suffering now by telling you your plan never worked, you did not crush america, they stood strong...in fact...they are stronger now than they have ever been before. Your 'event; was also the one thing that inspired a change in me, even at a very young age it made me want world peace, it made me want to make this world a safe place for every human and every creature to live, the complete opposite of what you wanted, and trust me when i say...i will make the world free one day...just me time.  'We must realise that a change can only come when we stand together as one' and i think the world...every year starts to learn that a little tiny bit more....enough that it looks insignificant at the time...but over the years it makes a big difference. Yes there will always be 'the others' but if we can get 99.9% of the world fighting for peace then thats good enough for me... i will laugh in your face...i cannot wait for the world to finally get one over on the people like you.
America god bless you all i know how hard this day must be for you i wish you all peace...you are a wonderful and incredible country and i adore spending my time there when i get the money to visit. There will be no more of this one day i promise.
You may say i'm a dreamer but I'm not the only one, i hope someday you will join us and the world will live as one
in memory of the victims and dedicated to the families of the 9/11. Also for america itself.  

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