Tuesday 5 July 2011

You won't be called home until it's your time ?

I've been sitting here recently thinking alot about things. About the smallest most insignificant ones to the big, life changing ideas. I started thinking about the saying 'you won't be called home until it's your time' I have always believed that everything happens for a reason so i guess that this would tie in with that but then in many other ways, i think about the people that were meant to be somewhere.
In my first year of college we done a performance based on the 9/11 attacks and it told the story of a young girl who missed her flight...her parents thought she was dead...and couldn't believe it when she turned up at her own memorial service later that year. It's things like that...i mean..if someone was meant to be there, were they or where they not meant to die anyway?
I thought about the MILLIONS of people that has happened to, the fact that its happened to my mom aswell... if she'd have died i would not have been here and nor would my brother (even though in the case of me the world would have been better off lol)..Then the people who survive AMAZING things and live to tell the tale...people who are in serious car accidents, and somehow in amongst that rubble they carry of breathing. I watched a TV show a couple of days ago called air crash investigation and literally this whole plane crashed into a mountain, over 500 people died but a couple survived...i think that...or more....im pretty sure now that...everything...even the smallest things that we do are meant to be...I know i'm a one to talk because i have trouble doing this myself, but i want to try and get a message across for others to read and understand and take to heart. I've been though a bad phrase in my life where i tried to kill myself a few times, and i can assure you, i wanted to do it, but things ALWAYS got in the way, or in one case my nan walked in just as i swigged back the mix of strong shit, and took the pile in front away before i could do more, at the time, i was mad and thought, she has just stopped what was meant to be...i was pissed..seriously...and even more so when i ended up in therapy, but then, a year later on my way home from school i saw a man unconscious on the floor, i took over, i didnt know how, all the first aid training i had went out of my head but i done it, and i later got a letter from the ambulance and police on the scene saying i saved this guys life...and i thought...well maybe...just maybe, that was the reason i did not die last year...because i was meant to have been there to save that man..that sounds gay but i don't care. Then a couple of years back i was ice skating and fell backwards landing on the back of my head...i could have easily died that day...i walked out of hospital the same night....then a few months back i had a really really bad fall, which resulted in me being in recus all night and though the early hours of the morning...the doctors thought i had broken my neck and that i had serious head injuries...i got out of that with just bruising and whiplash too...and i've read stories...of people having falls no where near as bad as that and dying...and after my friend i was with admitted that she thought i was going to die that night...the doctors said that i was amazingly lucky, and they had seen falls a fraction of what i had done, and that person had not survived or had but had been seriously brain damaged or pshyically damaged. I believe that, the only reason i got out of that ok, it because i was not meant to die at that point....
Here i go again saying something that i know i should live by myself, and its something i try with all my heart to live by, even though i have trouble with it and generally i never manage it haha!
Live life to the full 'Bella vita' , life really is beautiful, and you can never ever know what is around the cornor, you should make the most of every moment, be grateful for the opportunities you given and don't waste them, help people, you were put on this earth for a reason...so get out there and fucking show that...! I dont know if i believe in god...but i do know that i believe in anything that gives others hope...so, look up to the sky and say thank you, just say thank you to whatever you believe in, that you are here, that you are alive, and that your life is meant to be...some people lose theirs at young ages.. you are blessed..
:) x

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