Friday 8 July 2011

All you can do is keep breathing

I CAN be strong
I CAN believe
I CANNOT give up
I CAN live again
I CANNOT loose hope
I CAN stand back up again
I CANNOT let myself stay this way for the rest of my life...

I want to live, i want to change the world,I'm 19..there are lives for me to change and children and adults alike for me to help...there are schools for me to build in far away countries, and there are youngsters who have lost their parents needing a simple hug,,there are babies that need comforting and old people needing a hand to hold. I cannot give up..please not now, please not never...i want to keep going...
I've learned that there are people who just don't want to be in my life, and although that hurts, i need to just accept it...if they do care,i will see them again
There are people I've lost from my life, i need to move on, and know when it's my time I'll get to be back safe in their arms.
There are times when i have thrown myself on the floor and cried non stop for hours, I've been so low, to a point where most people reading this will not understand trust me. But somehow i get though them, and at the time, i think thats a bad thing, but when i LOOK BACK on it in a better frame of mind, i see that it was a good thing, i am still here to impact lives.
I've been scared before, so scared, so scared my body went stiff and my teeth scared i would rather have died than stay in that situation..but..i got out of it and i got over it....
I know i'm going to go back...maybe alot, but i'm also keeping the thought in my head that i WILL be ok, and that i do not need to worry about it, maybe then i will convince myself...that i will be fine... and even if i do fall, i know because of today that i can pick myself back up again.
I've lost so many people because of everything that has happened in the past few years, and i dont want to loose anymore...
As i was once told

'All you can do is keep breathing'

I love this earth and this planet, and i love the people in it, i WILL change the world, and if you think i won't then you are in for a severe shock, i will be proving each and every single on you wrong.
Today has been a good day for me, everything has been alot clearer, and then i got a message from a certain special friend who is miles away, and it healed my heart and made me think...i danced my heart out till i could breathe no more, and now i think i will wake up to an even better day tomorrow...i hope...:)

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