Wednesday 27 July 2011

Amy Winehouse

So i've finally found abit of time to sit down and write this blog about Amy Winehouse who passed away a few days ago. I REALLY wanted to write this down and express my feelings a point of view on the situation, and ok, so i know that i am only one person and what i say is insignifcant, but as was once said by one of my favourite people to live, Gahandi, 'The things we do in life will be insignificant, but it is very important that we do them.'

I remember when i was told the Amy Winehouse was dead and i literally could not believe it, and at first i thought it was all a total joke and yet again another hoax like the one about her in 2009, and then, i found out that unfortunatly this time, she really was gone. I actually nearly cried, which was odd because she is not one of my favourite artists, hell yes i loved her music and listened to it quite alot but i was not obsessed.

It was sad, because she was a great talent, she had so much potentioal to go out there and make something even bigger of herself that what she even did, and it's a shame that she will now not be able to do that.

One thing that sickened me was all the horrible comments that came up on my news feed on facebook, literally all i could think was what on earth has got into my friends to come up with these horrible and cruel comments? People saying she was 'better of dead' or a 'crackhead whore who got exactly what was coming to her', well ok, people are intitled to say what they think, but i really feel it must be in a more delicate way, i know that some of the horrible posts i saw on twitter for the world to see, well they made me cry, literally cry...I want people to consider an addiction from a medical point of view, and not just as a attettion seeking, poncing thing that a person would make addiction is horrible, be is to drugs, drinking, harming literally, they can be so damaging and once you are in them you cannot get out of the cycle easily...i really feel that if you have had an addiction then you would not say such horrible things about Amy, and i also think that if you have not experenced an addiction, then you do not deserve to even comment on the situation...yes ok it was her choice to take that first pill or drink all those years ago, but its not her fault it got this at all. When your in the grip of a deamon like this, then sometimes you feel like you don't want to get out, you can't see the damage.

I think she should just be left now to rest in peace and everyone should leave her and her family the hell alone, they are grieving, if you have nothing good to say or write then keep the fuck to yourself.

R.I.P Amy, yet another since gone too soon... may your soul finally be at peace

One by one only the good die young.

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