Wednesday 8 June 2011

same sex marraige

Ok so i was just randomly browsing tumblr today and everything and came across this awesome picture asking people how can same sex marriage be wrong, when all over the world there are really fucked up things going on with what is classed as 'real' marriage. I might not be gay, and i might not have any gay friends that are married or want to be married...BUT..i do have gay friends so i can understand how something like this can affect people. I don't understand how this world can be all about being equal when people cannot get married just because they are in love with someone of the same sex.

About a month ago i was outside in my (mess of, thanks to my dog) garden with my sister, and she told me she was gay, I've literally never been so shocked in my life, becuase she is one of the last people on earth i would have ever said to be gay...literally...but at the end of the day i actually didn't give a fuck, because i love her so greatly till the ends of this earth,I'd die for her... nothing will change that..I still hugged her alot and managed to sleep in the same bed as her...and it was ok, i felt safe because i knew her heart, i knew i was safe around her. This is a perfect example of what i'm trying to get across..she is my sister regardless, and all i want is for her to be happy in hurts alot to think that she may now have problems, just becuase of what her feelings are like have someone i am SO CLOSE to that is gay, it's made me so much more passionate about it.

One of my guy friends...he is SO gay its actually hilarious, and he don't try to hide it...i love him for that, and the only thing that upsets him and gets him down is when people judge him just because he is gay. Why should he have to feel that and have to go though that? because its really not fair on him...

I found out a few weeks ago that an ex of mine was now going out with a guy, and it hurt me so much because i thought it was me that made him gay, but like my sister said to me over the phone, he was already gay and i was nothing to do with helped me accept it...and now it just makes me so mad, that he had to live in a world where he felt he had to hide who he was.

I personally would not do that, because i know i have friends who will accept me, and if people don't they can fuck off, if i was gay, or bi sexual, or a transvestite or a alien, or a spy...or WHATEVER i would just say it...

It's not fair that people have to try and be something they are not, just so they don't have to go though they heartache of being treated like shit..spesh guys, i know some people won't agree with me but i really do think its harder for them than what it is girls.

just from this blog want to get the point across, i want nothing but the best for my friends, and i couldnt give a fuck who they are or what they are. how can THEY...and their LIFE be thrown away..its out of order and its not fair.

Just sayin.

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