Monday 9 May 2011

In loving memory of Boo

This Friday, i came home from college early, and was in a fairly good mood,i had just finished my last dance exam and felt that finally everything was wrapping up and that i could relax more, ok, so i think i done totally crap, but it was over, i didn't need to worry about it again. I danced my heart to Allie Moss' song called 'Prisoner of Hope'. The significance of that song is just so unbelievable, so unreal words just cannot describe it. I thought it would be good to dance to.
But the main reason for this blog, i was sitting on my sofa when the mail came though, my mom opened a letter and told me that Boo has passed away. Boo was one of my horses that i had at Redwings Horse Sanctuary. I'd adopted him a few years previous, and even though i didn't really get to see him much as he was so far away, i loved him, so so dearly i loved him. I remember back to when one of my most favourite horses on the yard i ride at died and i was in such a state, so i went to Ada Cole and the wonderful staff there brought him over to the fence, bearing in mind he is normally a very nervous horse, he let me cuddle him and cry into his mane without a care in the world. At Redwings, the celebrate the horses birthdays with a little party...this means that you get to go down and see them walked around a arena or paddock, and then they are fed a special 'horsie' birthday cake while the crowd sing them happy birthday. I remember the one time i was lucky enough to get to go and see Boo on his birthday, i've never seen him look so happy..spesh when a young girl bought him a new headcollar and he had it put on :)
It was so hard to hear that he was no longer here with us, i tried and tried not to cry but it didnt work, and i broke down into a state, i couldn't stop crying. Redwings is this amazing charity, it really is, and almost all the horses there have suffered greatly in life, Redwings rescues them and helps them to live the rest of their days in peace. I'm heartbroken that Boo is gone, but i'm also so grateful that he got that amazing care that he did at the sanctuary. He deserved it, they all deserve it.
So Boo, you may now be gone, but i know you are free and dancing and prancing around with the angels now, your an arab so i would imagine you look pretty fine doing just that, I hope you find Sidney up there, he was another one of my Redwings horses whom i loved so dearly. I hope you become friends and live forever happy....Hopefully Sidney has stopped eating so much grass so that god does not have to keep him in the woodchip paddock all the time ;)
I love you....thank you for being such an amazing spirit.
Rest in Peace, like i am sure you will, I'll never ever forget you.

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