Monday 2 May 2011


My emotions are all over the place, completely mixed. I'm happy, yet sad, angered and relived.
Bin Larden in dead, and all i can say to that is good, he was one of the souls on this earth that was PURE EVIL. I am happy because he finally got caught, all his victims can be at peace and families affected can have a piece of mind. Sad...the second i heard is name this morning, i thought back to 2001 and cried and cried..the pain on people's faces, still rings constantly in my head. I'm angered, because i keep thinking maybe he should not have been killed...he's can he deserve that after all the pain and suffering he has put people though? I just saw a man on the news who worked with new york fire department, and he said tearfully that 9/11 is with him every day and with everything he does. SO WHY THE FUCK, should innocent people like this get left with all these awful memories...the torture will never end, whilst he gets to sit up in the clouds laughing on at everyone he has hurt. Forgive me for saying this and i cannot believe this is coming out of me, but he should be captured and tortured, every day for the rest of his god damned life, i wanted him to feel every little bit of pain that he caused other people. I want him to cry, real tears, i want him to wake up wishing his life would just end because its better than being alive...I know thats awful, i know it, and everyone who knows me also knows i NEVER think like that, this case, is just exceptional. I am relived, or more i was to start with, because a tiny part of my heart thought, maybe this is over, maybe the world can start to go back to normal, but then no, that will never happen, because there are so many greedy and selfish bastards in this world...Jimi Hendrix once said...
'When the power of love overcomes the love for power, then the world will know peace'
He was right, its all about power right now, and with that 'demon' gone, there will just be more, and more and more...there are idiots that worshiped that man, who will continue on his work, in memory of him..what a fucking joke. Why can you just leave it alone now.?!?!?
Ok, I'm actually fuming, i could most likely go on forever ranting and ranting. The news broadcaster showed a video tape on 'it', and he was saying that he is 'not afraid to die for what he believes' well....THEN WHY ON EARTH ARE YOU GETTING OTHER PEOPLE TO DO YOUR DIRTY WORK YOU FUCKING PRICK!!?!?!?! thats cowardly, and stupid.
I just hope that all the souls free up there that he has killed, will destroy his soul, he does not deserve an afterlife...he does not deserve anything but shit.
I still shed tears daily when i think about the 9/11, i know i'm not American, i know that, but that whole thing affected me big time, before that, i was innocent, i didnt know there was such evil in this world, after 9/11 i refused to get on a plane for eight years, and even after that, i spent the entire time crying my eyes out, i still get scared, i cant see a bag in the street without thinking it 'could' be a bomb, airports are crazy, as are train stations, the security is stupid....all because of this man...there is no trust anymore, and with reason.
'I was born to late, into a world that doesn't care' although to be honest i dont think it ever fucking did. I sometimes wish i was never born, just because i am so ashamed of what this world is coming to....
John Lennon had the right fucking idea and when people realise that we will be much better off.
to be continued...(trust me)

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