Saturday 17 April 2010

Skins- London ♥

On thursday Charlotte and I went up to London so Charlotte could auditon for the TV programme skins (for those who don't know what that is, you just need to know, it's pretty much amazing) . Anywho...on the way to the station in the car we got lost which was not a good start...but then no ones fault...
When we got to the station and Charlotte went to get her ticket, the lady selling it asked 'auditon?'. However she thought it was for something like Britians gor talent. And it was stupid but just made me smile to see someone working there who was so friendly, open bubbly and chatty..happineesss :::)))))
When we got to the station at the other end, we literally got totally lost and did not have a clue where we was going, on our lost travels...we met a really awesome girl called Danni and this guy called Aaron..who were alos going to the skins auditon, and of whom were also, lost...hahaha :) We must have been walking for nearly an hour. Aaron map in hand trying to figure out just where we was actually meant to be going. Finally we decided that it would be easier if we actually asked someone if they knew where to go, then about half hour later, after walking in the direction we had been pointed in, we finally found where we was suppossed to be all along..what good times :)
Then there was the endless queue outside for hours...but apart from that a good day..
I love meeting new people in such random situations, spesh when they are so nice, jsut so chatty, and we got on right away.
Never before have I seen Charlotte work like she did that day, i am so amazingly proud of her, shes wonderful, and inspires me greatly!!
Love you girl!! xxxxx

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