My heart is breaking. Tomorrow is ten years..ten years and nothing has changed, the 9/11 is still affecting people...still tearing apart lives, and breaking down families which are already broken beyond repair. I'm sitting crying my eyes out this is affecting me so much, the 9/11 never gets better...every year the whole world goes into mourning again as if it was happening all over again...
I found this vvideo, it's a ten year tribute to the 9/11 victims and i wanted to share it with my readers...please pass this on..
Nothing even related to this video, there was a story about a young girl on TV whom refuses to marry her boyfriend because her father is not there to walk her down the isle, is that not proof how much this is affecting people..I am just SO happy she has her boyfriend who understands her, she certainly deserves it.
I can't believe it...I can't believe it's ten years...
Next year when i am in America i would love to visit ground zero, I'm pretty sure that will happen, and that i will get to be there at some point even if it is only for a day...
I don't know, what is crazy, is that i'm not religious, i don't even know if i believe in god or not, but i want to go there and pray for the lives that have been lost...I think i need closure, just to be there and be able to really see the place and send my infinite will help me maybe get over it...
I know it's stupid because I'm not American nor do i even know anyone who died in the tragedy, i am just a person who loves everyone and hates to see people hurting, i mourn even when i don't know the victims personally...i know thats bad and i'm sorry. I just thing that human beings should be decent to each other and not hurt eachother all the time, i wish people would lay down their guns, knifes, and bombs and everything destructive hold hands and vow world peace... I guess it's one of those things I'm gonna keep wishing for though that will never happen.
What sickens me to the core is that there are now even more threats for tomorrow, that more places are going to be bombed, that planes are going to be taken over, people being held hostage, i mean WHAT THE HELL. You have put this world and the people on it though enough and on one of the hardest days of the year you want to go and make it worse by installing fear into everyone...yeah...nice move..It really does make me sick. I don't even want to be alive sometimes i am so ashamed of this planet and some of the evil human beings on it.
May god bless the families, the victims and America...
I love you all xxxx