So guys, I wanted to write this message to you all, because it really is only starting to sink in now that the best three years of my life have finally come to an end, it's ironic really because this was the day i kept dreaming about for the past year or so, the day when i wouldnt have to go to college anymore, when i wouldnt have to be dancing from 9 right through till 6....those tuesdays fucking killed me! And now it's here and it's september and were not gonna be back together again acting like retards ...
I'll never forget any moment with any one of you, i think, they were such an important part of my life...they changed me so much as a person that i could never forget them...even the not so good ones....
-That time when we drew a little picture for Simon on his board when he went out the drama room
-Andreas the way you used to wind Sarah up in every tap lesson
- Um Carly and Lara tap dance..chirstmas show 2009... need i say more?
- How we ALWAYS used to get told off for eating in class and in the dance studios...
-Or turning up to our dance lessons in the wrong 'attire'
-Or turning up to Julia's lesson minus log books and outdoor shoes still on
-Or in some cases just generally not turning up at all
-KIRSTY'S 18TH!!!!!!!!!!
-Gab's laugh...fucking cheered me up no matter what was going on
-Ellie's constant smile
-Les Mis
-Bat Boy anyone?
-How we always seemed to be the class getting in the most trouble with the teachers...ALL the time...
- how there used to be arguments..stupid ones..but we always ended up in our next class joking about like idiots again
-our 'vocal warm ups'
-Frankie's stories of what he'd been up to (spesh that one up london that time)
-DR Clara...actually maybe you dont want reminding of that one!!!!!
-Our end of year dance shows
-How in the dance show this year a few of us found a box or art things and decided to start painting like 3year you do backstage...
-That time when stuart was pushed into that bookstand whatever you call it thing and it all seemed to fall apart in s.l.o.w.m.o.t.i.o.n...for those who saw it it really did go slow it was hilerious..
-When the table outside the drama studio got broken and how mad julia got (although with reason)
-The time Andreas got a little over excited in his monolouge and went backwards knocking the piano flying
-how it was always me and carly who got drunk the fastest at parties..and the most drunk actually
if you can think of anymore just add them on... !!!
But literally, you guys are all amazing, and so amazingly talented in what you do, and no matter what your gonna do now...uni, work, gap year, become a bum...whatever I'm sure you will do amazing at it, i just know that for a fact and within my heart. You're gonna be amazing....
This is it guys, the day weve been waiting for no more school, no more college...all of us are finally 18 (yay lara!!!) so offically (although we dont act it) are all adults.I don't really see this as the end at all, because this is all just the start...
Laugh often, Have fun, Learn from your mistakes but live life with no regrets 'forget regret of life is yours to miss'
You are educated. Your certification is in your degree. You may think of it as the ticket to the good life. Let me ask you to think of an alternative. Think of it as your ticket to change the world. ~Tom Brokaw
Thank you for the memories, the laughter and the tears, i love you all...
'It may well be
That we will never meet again
In this lifetime
So let me say before we part
Is made of what ive learned from you
And you'll be with me like a handprint on my heart'
(thought this would be apt considering the show we done!)