Monday, 5 September 2011

I believe that love is the answer

'All we do is eliminate our future with things we do today'

So i was going to be writing this blog actually on September 11th and dont get me wrong I still will write a blog then, but i wanted to write another one now because i think i need to, i think it is needed just to get the message much this is affecting people still...
Recently there has been many programs on TV featuring the people of whom the 9/11 attacks have affected and what hurts is that even now...ten years after that pain is still raw...there seems to be only a little (if any) healing going on there...watching people sit there, in front of that TV camera and relive what happened that day...seeing them falling apart before your eyes, The pain of remembering that thanks to that hideous day, they now have to live without their parents, children, spouse, brothers, sisters and makes no difference...the pain was etched across their face....Grown men breaking down on TV in front on millions of people just because going back to that day, brings back for them so much heart ache...SO MUCH pain....
I cannot believe still that something like this would happen to the world, and even now ten years on, i watch back on the events being replayed on my screen and i cry, it hurts my heart that people would do such things, i dont know how it can happen, and it makes me so happy that the world pulls together in times like this, however the thing that makes me so sad, is that it takes things like this for the world to pull together.
People should be able to travel by air, or bus, or train whatever, without the constant fear of shouldnt be an issue...since 9/11 the security at airports is retarded...with reason...but it is...that shouldnt need to be that way...there should be a trust between human beings that we can get on a plane together and go to a new world...a different culture without being blown up or drove into a building killing hundreds and thousands of people.... 
Slowly, we are taking away our future, our children's future, all because we can't be a decent human being, in years to come aviation travel will be grounded, as will boats...everything, it will be like going hundreds of years back, and we will not be able to travel anywhere, we will be stuck where we are, all because it's too much of a risk to put a plane into the sky with some of the screwed up people with have living on this planet, there is no excuse for this behaviour apart from people being excuse whatsoever...
We are throwing away our future, its about time we started taking action, it's bad enough with all the natural disasters going on on this earth without humans adding man made diasters to the mix, we should be helping each other, not adding pain, torture and hurt... 
We need to make a change...before it's too late.