Wednesday, 14 December 2011

spoilt rotten xx

So today i was down the yard helping Emma put rubber matting in Eddie's stable which we have FINALLY got! :)  It was meant to be coming the other  week but the shipping order got fucked about and it all went wrong, so i was pretty excited! Where Eddie's stable is situated is right by where there used to be a cattle shed, so the flooring is cobble stones, and trust me when i say that when you have to muck a horse out on ground like that, even more so when they are messy little shits it only makes things a million billion times worse! You normally have to go in between all the cracks and get all the shit and piss out and trust me that smells like a bitch. So now, hopefully he will be alot easier to keep, now he has rubber matting it means that he will not have to have as big of a bed as he did before, the matting will act as an extra shock absorber if he decides to lay down.  :) 
That evening before i went back down the yard to finish jobs off i went into tescos to  buy a few treats for the horses, Emma had already asked for me to get a few things and then i had been looking on the Internet making a list of all different treats they could have so i could stock up...well...i ended up spending £30 haha, crazy amounts when its for two horses and only extra bits but hey at the end of the day they are worth it, will help keep them busy, is cheaper than buying actually horse treats even though technically they are the same thing and they deserve it.
About a week ago i nearly gave up Eddie because of this girl who i thought was my friend making me feel like a piece of shit...well today, today made me realise that im happy i listened to Hayley and Emma....because Eddie makes me happy beyond anything else, more than any other horse on this planet. :) <3