Five hundred twenty-five thousand
Six hundred minutes,
Five hundred twenty-five thousand
Moments so dear.
Five hundred twenty-five thousand
Six hundred minutes
How do you measure, measure a year?
In daylights, in sunsets, in midnights
In cups of coffee
In inches, in miles, in laughter, in strife.
In five hundred twenty-five thousand
Six hundred minutes
How do you measure
A year in the life?
How about love?
How about love?
How about love? Measure in love
Seasons of love. Seasons of love
Five hundred twenty-five thousand
Six hundred minutes!
Five hundred twenty-five thousand
Journeys to plan.
Five hundred twenty-five thousand
Six hundred minutes
How do you measure the life
Of a woman or a man?
In truths that she learned,
Or in times that he cried.
In bridges he burned,
Or the way that she died.
It's time now to sing out,
Tho' the story never ends
Let's celebrate
Remember a year in the life of friends
Remember the love!
Remember the love!
Seasons of love!
Oh you got to got to
Remember the love!
You know that love is a gift from up above
Share love, give love spread love
Measure measure your life in love
Another 525, 600 minutes coming to and end, another year over and a new one beginning, i new start, but for the better or for the worse is up to you to decide. Remember to take this year with in the future years to come but with happiness and wonderful thoughts, memories of loved ones and times gone by, never regret, don't ever look back and say i wish idone something different because at the end of the day, everything has led you to where you are today. Measure a year in love, from friends, family, hobbies ANYTHING, anything that has given you a strength you never knew existed. Remember this year in anything you want.
For me to look back right now, well I'm sitting here crying like a baby...i have to stop with every few words i type to wipe my eyes so i can actually see what i'm doing. This year has been the hardest year of my life ever, i have struggled one hell of alot, been very very ill, lost friends, lost relationships, damaged myself...everything that could go wrong has gone wrong. I'm looking back though and taking all of the GOOD things, because they are the things i want to take with me into next year...people like Helen, whom i used to talk to ages ago and then lost contact but this year we got back in touch via instagram!...The fall cast of the young americans that i met in Germany, most of all Angel and Megan, Chanele and Micheal. I grew, they helped me to grow alot. I take that into the future.I think they shaped me so much, so so so much that i'll never be able to go back to what i was like before that fully, no matter how bad things get. It's going to be really hard for me to say i'll never look back and never cry again about the past, but for the new year im going to try and just let go, and just breathe, not to let the past continue to knock me down over and over again. Be stronger. Be better. Give myself time to heal.
I know that some people would say that 2011 has been an awesome year, well.thats great and im happy about that..but then there will be others who read what i wrote above and find themselves crying because this year was hard for them too and they can totally see where i am coming from. We must not forget that everyday people die, and that means that everyday someone somewhere has to go though that loss, nothing is ever perfect ever. At the same time everyday a new person is born, a new baby, a tiny person whom has their entire life spread out for them. This year i lost my godmother and god father together, i spent my 19th birthday at a funeral, loss...but then two days later a friend of mine gave birth to two healthy baby circle of life....and it moves us all.
I know that next year is going to be really different, i'm 20 for a start soon, and even though thats not really a big deal, for me the going from teenager to twenty stage has always been a bigger thing that what my 18th was. I'm seeing some friends i havnt seen in years...since like 2006 and i am so excited for that!, and theres everything else thats going on if i get all the time to do it, like theres michigan, nebraska and utah, and then hopefully i would like to go back to germany it dpends, then i also want to travel to donegal in Ireland to see a good friend of mine...oh and a photography trip in Norway, there is just so much. I know i want to make a CD, ive written so much music over the past year and i just want to have something to show for it. I want to hold out my hand to the people who need the strength the most. I remember Emma telling me that no matter how many clouds there are in the sky the sun is always right behind, i was flying to germany this year and the weather was terrible like they sky was grey, but the second we got above the clouds the sun was there, bright, beautiful and inspiring, i want to take someone on a plane just to show them that, JUST to show them there is always hope.
New years day the first thing im gonna do besides wishing one of my best and longest friends Roshni happy birthdaay is wattch RENT, the reason behind this blog i always watch it new years eve or new years day makes me start the year off better. I advise you all get to watch it at some point too, when i first saw it i had to watch it again before the storyline REALLY sank in but the music, oh my gosh the music.....DO IT!
There are 525 600 minutes in 2012, use them as you will but make the most of every moment, shoot for the moon because even if you miss youll land amoung the stars, thats one thing i firmly believe, you should never say the sky is the limit when there are footprints on the people and take time to nuture and grow friendships and relationships....let go and move on when you know something is not gonna work out anymore...just let it be. If you see a stranger on the street give them a smile, if you see someone crying ask them if they are ok and would they like a hug, i would advise not to just go hug them because they might stab you haha but show love, love is all you selfless, i missed out on going to the movies with my friends one time because i was buying a homeless guy a hot drink, a bacon buttie (and im veggie so go me! woop) because he said that was his favourite and a new blanket, he cried so much, the fact i had done that for him, and the fact even more so i had thought to ask him what kind of sandwich etc he would like. My friends i were with that day said i was stupid and that id wasted my money, well im not friends with them anymore..touch lives and hearts and if you know you are right then ignore what others say.
Remember 525.600 minutes of fresh adventures to do with what you will, measure it in love though, and remember that life is never certain so never miss a chance to say i love you.
'i don't know if the sky is heaven but i pray anyway' you should to.
I would like to thank you all for so much support, thank for messaging me telling me things like 'your blog touched my heart' or 'it changed my life'...i shall never forget when i got an email from an old lady after she read my blog on her grandchild's computer and was donating as much as she could (£50) to a charity for the children in africa etc...if you are her and are reading this i would like to thank you again...oh gosh and im crying again!!!! I wish you all the most beautiful of new years and hope that everything works out for you guys because your incredible! just remember
in diapers, report cards
in spoke wheels, in speeding tickets
in contracts, dollars
in funerals and births
in 525, 600 minutes
how do you figure a last year on earth
figure in love
figure in love
figure in love
peace x