Tuesday, 27 December 2011

The many different friends

Friends are complicated...there are some that come into your life, calling you a best friend when they have only what seems to be an intention to hurt you and knock you down..there are the friends that say goodbye and there are the friends that leave without no word whatsoever, leaving you to try and sort out why within your own mind, sometimes making you paranoid and venerable, what if others do what they done? What if i'm left alone? Some friends are robbed from us by the circle of life, which also momentarily robs us of all thoughts and feelings, we become numb, only knowing we are alive by the steady rhythmic beating of our heart against our chest. Then we pick ourselves up again, and carry on, with the other friends you are lucky enough to be surrounded by. Some friendships are as fragile as glass, one slight knock you shatter and destroy the entire concept of friendship, then on the other hand, there are friendships that are as strong as a band of gold, complete, pure...unbreakable. Some friendships you can hang onto till the end and others..well it seems no matter how hard you try they slip away, and then you have to let it happen. There are the friends you meet online, maybe in a self help chat room who understand you and know you better than you know yourself. There are the friends that can be best friends over the computer, either knowing them randomly or by mutual friends, the friends that when you see a message make you smile, make you feel happy to be alive...There are two categories that friends can be divided into, stones and diamonds, and the hardest part is ALWAYS trying to work out where abouts to place people. Even when it hurts you sometimes realise that people are stones, when you all along thought of them as a diamond, those 'friends' who make your life hell...time to say goodbye, spend your time with the people who you know are the true diamonds because they are the ones that matter. nurture these friendships, let them grow, polish them, keeping and open honest friendship is always going to be the best friendship. 
Dedicated to two of my diamonds, Roshni and Helen