Tuesday, 20 December 2011

Philippines December

I can't believe i am writing this blog, not even a year after writing one of exactly the same sort for Japan and only a few months after writing of the attacks in Norway. So right now, there is alot of trouble going on in the beautiful country of the Philippines, their weather is awful and they have terrible storms, already the de reached the 1000's and it's still rising. I want to write a blog which i actually intended on doing ages ago and forgot, for these beautiful people.
I know all to well how hard it must be when people have family in places, where bad stuff is happening and you can't do anything to save them, I also have this INCREDIBLE friend called Ericka whom has friends and family in the Phillipines so i worry for her too much.
Once again i will say it, just like i did when everything went down in Japan... 
I pray that those who are living are safe
That those lost are found
And the dead are at peace
There is so much of me that wants to be able to go out on a plane and help, I always feel useless being across the ocean when things like this terrible event are going on...I hate not being able to do anything about it, it sucks.
Please everyone support this wonderful country, if you know anyone out there, you can't do anything, so just pray for them and their country like i said above. If you know someone who has friends or family out there, well then there is a good chance they will look to you for support, be there for them, do all you can to help heal their hearts as much as you can. So if you don't know anyone? pray anyway...and when after this has all died down and they need someone... to donate money under GENUINE causes...give them as much help and support as possible that are the same as us, they live under the same sky and breathe in the same air as us, they are human beings....
Love.... x