Sunday, 6 November 2011

yet again sorry for the lack of blogs

ok first thing i feel i must say is i'm sorry yet again for my lack of blogs finding some time to sit down and write has become something rare for me! I would like to thank all my AMAZING followers though for all your support i'm amazed at how many hits im still getting everyday even though im not updating anything, it means one hell of alot keep on doing so and passing it on it means alot to me and of course i will do the same for you, as i have done for some of my friends before. :)  Talking about that you should check out my friend Daisy's blog is freaking amazing...i cant get on her page right now :( but there is a link on my page so just go on there :)
So the past few weeks I have been literally spending every moment at the stables with Eddie and i love it the only problem is that i cant get facebook there much because the signal is so bad grrrr!
I have a lot of blogs to write, both as updates and of my feelings, this may take a while i have so many to write but please bear with me.!
thank you followers.