Thursday, 10 November 2011

I'm going to America!!!!!

Ok this is something i cannot believe i only just remembered to get excited over this in a blog, but I'M FINALLY GOING TO AMERICA!!! and i am so excited, i have been dying to go to this country for years and years..pretty much my entire life and now it is happening and i am just so excited for it ahh :) 
So ok i can't do everything i was planning to do, because A: i have Eddie now and long term he keeps me 'stable' when nothing else does so i need to keep him with me and in my life. Also i really have been struggling recently so if i went for too long..well i just think that would be a very bad idea.  But still I'm going to be staying with my beautiful friend in Utah whom i haven't seen in what will be over six years by June :)  and hopefully i will get to go to Nebraska to see friends and meet Gweedo's parents i don't know yet...I don't think the rest will happen.. THIS YEAR, but if i wait for myself to get better fully then i can do like a whole crazy trip covering the entire country... 
list of states i need to visit friends in...  (ticked means prepared this may take some time) 
  • UT
  • NE
  • CA
  • MI 
  • NY
  • OK
  • FL
  • PA
  • NJ
I should start soon :) and then of course there are places i actually want to go anyway in America, but hey i don't care, this is my first time in that country and i cannot wait..SO FREAKING EXCITED.. 


PS: Oh the though of American cereals also excites me a great deal!! nomnom