Tuesday, 15 November 2011

dance from the heart

So i feel like i need to write a blog about a girl i know, and i'm hoping she does not see this blog, actually i know pretty much she won't, so i can write what i want and not have to worry. I'm scared i'm gonna sound stupid etc etc.. 
I know this girl, and her name is Emma, she is one of the most fantastic dancers i have ever met in my entire life, she taught me to dance with feeling and she also taught me to love. Before i used to dance, and just dance because i was something i enjoyed i never realised how you can tell a story though how you perform and i am grateful to her for that. She was like my sister, because literally i could have told her anything and know she would not judge me or hate on me or anything nasty like that, in fact i don't think she has a single fibre capable of hate in her body....a few months back, she was going though a hard time, stuff which i'm not going into, and I sent her this song which i thought she would like to listen to, because she had helped me so many times and introduced me to so many things and i wanted to do the same for her. Well that song must have touched her because she made it into a dance video and put it on you tube, and thats why i wanted to write this blog, for that reason, to share that video with you guys. 
I love this and i only saw it again today when i was looking a dance stuff on facebook and that was on my history, im so glad i saw it again :)  There is not one bit of practice put in to what she is doing, she literally puts the music on and simply DANCES, and thats what i love. 
I want you to watch this video and look at her and i mean really look at her, look at the emotion in what she is doing, because the only word i can think of to describe it is 'magic, pure magic'...oh and listen to the lyrics i think they are very significant. 
I jsut REALLY think you should check this out :) 
THANK YOU :) xxx 