Friday, 11 November 2011

Horsey full week!!!!

This week my beautiful and wonderful friend Emma had shows at college, and due to that was not able to get down the yard from monday- thursday so i had the pleasure of getting Eddie for those four days and also getting her Welsh section D caz (Caraid). This week, i think for me could not had come at a better time, my mood has been all over the place and one minute i am happy followed by the next crying, so to be able to spend my time in a place where i love more than life itself, it kept me on the correct path.
I know that Eddie done a good job at being there for me, more than perhaps any human being could. I wish i could explain to those of you who are looking at this now thinking i am nuts, but it really is one of those 'horsey' things that only the real 'horsey' people will understand, the ones who would put their horses needs before their own and would risk and arm and leg just to keep their equine pride and joy safe from harm. 
The other day i was in Eddie's stable sitting in a trough thing at the back where we keep some of his rugs, and i was upset, and crying and crying and Eddie stood there, watching me for abit...then after a few Mins (and after he had finished what he was eating typical man!) he came and lay down by me so i could stroke him, and ok i cried harder then but it was for a good reason because ive never seen a horse do that before, apart from in movies, and ok it was only for about 5 mins but it was like he knew i needed him right then. Today when i arrived at the yard i checked on him as if any horse is going to do something stupid it will be him, and then went to groom Caz because she is normally a thousand times worse than Eddie so so messy!, then as i came back Eddie had his head out his stable and he whinnyed when he saw me :) SOOOOOOO CUTE ! :) 
This week, well i have never ached so much in my entire life, the car smells of horses, my room smells of horses, my clothes smell of horses even though theve been washed, and i smell like a horse too.  But to me that is all a part of the fun of having a owners are slaves, our horses train US to feed them, pamper them and love them, most things that people do for horses they would not do for a human being (sad but true) or at least a human being would not get away with it where as a horse would.  I'm happy i get a break for the next couple of days so i can relax but i know for a fact im gonna miss them and just be super excited about seeing my beautiful Eddie on sunday (and of course Caz too)
Horses really are magical, they lift me up and lend me the wings i lack.