Depression is what i want to talk about because it's a subject that is tossed around too much, people who have it are sometimes considered attention seekers, or simply insane and dangerous and this angers me and hurts me alot because it's just stupid to think such absurd things. I'm not meaning to have a go, but i want people to understand that depression is a real thing, and a real illness...yes there are many people on medication for it (i'll explain more in a sec) but that does not give you any right to judged them and belittle them, would you judge someone on cancer treatment? or who is anaemic and has to take iron supplements? The answer is no you wouldn't, and the sad thing is that depression is a very real illness as well, and people do not see it like that at all. There are many arguments that the medication is pointless because 'it's all in the head when it comes to mental illness' well yes, it is, but most mental illnesses, part of the main factor is a chemical imbalance in the brain, just like you can get a sugar imbalance or iron in balance, it's exactly the same as that, and can be as equally as shouldn't just be brushed over because it's not well talked about.
I want to urge my readers to look at the people around them for signs of mental illness, this can be anything from depression (mild), right up to manic depression and (potentetionally) suicidal actions. Just being able to notice once of these symptoms, holding out your hand for someone to hold, could easily be a matter of life or death. I think i have told you this before, but there was once a story about a man, and he decided that he was going to walk miles to this bridge and jump off because he couldnt stomach life anymore and felt unloved, however he said that one person smiled at him on the way, he would walk home, rip up the suicide note and get help...he jumped...and this is what i mean...i'm not sayin it's our fault, because sometimes the symptoms are not there, sometimes people can become incredible at hiding them but its just a matter of being aware...
Symptoms include - lack of social interaction (constantly making excuses for not going out)
- putting self down, calling self worthless, 'i would be better of dead' general self loathing
- appearing very emotional, (crying, not being able to smile, sitting quietly if they normally have a gob the size of Russia)
- Thinking everyone hates them (including friends and close family)
- run down lack of care of appearance (speaks for itself)
- cut/graze/burn/slash marks, (these could be anywhere on the body although in most cases are hidden by the person in question)
- loss of interest in things that used to be enjoyed
- appetite or weight changes (this could also be a sign of an eating disorder
- anger or mood changes (this literally could go either way but normally its the feeling of helplessness, in some cases it might be extreme happiness followed by extreme lows and this is called rapid cycling and is normally associated with metal disorders such as bi polar.
- reckless behaviour...what is says really...not giving a damn and going out doing all sorts of dangerous things
- Denial..most people will deny they are depressed, or have an eating disorder, or are self harming whatever it may be
If you are worried about anybody you know then please do not go in guns blazing and have it out with them or whatever you want to call it, because if they really are depressed, i can assure you for a fact that that attitude will not help at would actually make it most likely worse, because that person is likely to think you are 'ganging up on them' and when they are already feeling self loathing and that everyone hates them it will just make them think it more.
Depression is something that is hard to understand if you have never been there and quite honestly i feel it is best left to the there for your friend or whoever the person may be, be a shoulder to cry on, show them love, encourage them, but don't try to fix them...because if anything was to happen, you are going to end up thinking that there should have been more you could have done, i've been there, i know the feeling and it's literally heart breaking, it rips you apart inside and it's hard to look towards the future.
Also another thing i just want to add, you shouldn't really take anything personally if someone is majorly depressed i mean if they say they are going to kill themselves or hurt themselves its important you let someone know but if you are trying to help and they tell you something like 'go away' or 'i never wanna talk to you again' it could just be the way they are feeling, give them time to breathe and calm down...with depression and metal disorders all you can try to do is be as understanding and supportive as possible Ok, so i think I'm pretty much written out, this has been hard for me to write and i dont think i can do more, i just feel it was very important... please note i am not trained in this, it's just stuff i know and have learnt though my life and if you want anymore information please speak to someone like a foctor or something...
MIND is also a very good website to check out xxxxx