I'm scared, I'm scared because i love you with all my heart.
I'm scared I'm gonna loose you sooner rather than later...
I'm scared so scared i don't know what is coming but i have a fairly good idea...
I don't want you to not exist anymore, I can't imagine that being a world.
I need you in my life..I need you here with me, I need you by my side.
I can't sleep, i try but I can't because all i can think about it you.
It's happening all over again and i don't think i can take it.
Going though the whole messy cycle only minus you this time.
I leant alot over the past two weeks or so, which i think is the only thats holding me in right now.
Keeping me from breaking down and breaking apart.
Nothing is ever final and i do see a light still even if it's dim..even if it flickers on and off and on again from time to time...
I can't imagine my life being without you in it, because you have always been there, youve always been strong and helped me though everything, and what makes it worse is that most of the time i threw that back in your face, not because i wanted to, but just because i didnt know what else to do.
I'm scared and I want for this to all go away now, i need for this to all go away...
Dear god if you are up there, bring peace to this situation.
Because i'm freaking out.