Monday, 31 October 2011

20th October 2:04am

Ok so here we go with the first out of my book  :)  They are actually quite old but i have only just this second got around to posting them and for that im sorry! :) 

LOVE, something that can overcome anything, that costs's free. Money can't buy love, possessions can'[t buy love. Love is untouchable Love is true, Love is to me, the closest thing that this world will ever get to perfect. It helps a person to grow, to be strong, and to keep breathing, no matter how hard the situation gets. As human beings, love is the vital ingredient to make a life complete, love is everything, and can be anything. Anything that inspires a change within yourself. Love is a hug from a friend, a smile from a stranger, even the sunshine when it warms your heart soul. It could be the spirit of a loved one that passed away, that split moment when you feel them beside you as if they had never left, and thats why love is so amazing, it has this power, a power hardly no one can see.
I love you is a term said to much, but at the same time, it's not said as often as it could be. People will loose faith in love because it's been used out of context. The words 'I love you' should not be thrown around, and only spoken when it is meant from deep within the heart. At the same time, 'I love you' is not used enough. People are taken for granted, not on purpose, sometimes people are simply too afraid to utter the words i love you, but then the circle of life intervenes and it becomes too late, that loved one is gone and you sit there full of what if's? and could be's. NO DAY BUT TODAY. Make a handprint upon the hearts of others and spread the love. It's beautiful and could change this entire planet if people were to give it the chance.  Love is all you need. FACT.