Recently its been all over the news about the USA and Canada being hit by the hurrrincane and tropical storm that combined have realeased devestation all over. (Not forgetting places like Haiti and Jamaica who have also took the brunt, i think its important we dont forget about them, after 'We are the world' after all. I have friends is Jamaica and i really crapped myself for a long while, it caused alot of tears. Thankfully it looks like its not hit too badly there.
Well America and Canada, are two countries where i have alot of friends...say east coast to me and i will list off alot of names of people whom i am friends i have friends from FL up though NC, PA, NJ, NY and ME not including the friends i have in Canada and i can honestly sat that at least 5 or 6 of them i see as my family we are so upon hearing what was gonna happen i went into major panic attack mode...everyones seen these films like the day after tomorrow and all i kept thinking was 'what if?'. My friends were acting differently to the news, some were like, 'okay well this is happening lets just do what we are told', others were like 'im not moving im waiting this shit out' (they were the idiots i was most worried about) and then i had friends phoning, messaging, texting, skyping me in tears saying they loved me and i should never forget it. One that will always stick in my mind, my friend Ali, literally like ive known her years and shes one of my best friends i have crazy fun with her all the time...MUNICH 2010!!! we spent the whole time tanning, drinking and partying :) but she sent me one saying
'oh god oh fucking god its so bad you cant even see, I love you you gotta remember that no matter what, no matter what ok...ive never seen anything like this before.'
This girl was left generally thinking she was going to die, and trust me when i say i know her too well, and thats not Ali, shes practically fearless and and will stick her middle finger up to everything that life throws at her...and this scared me, spesh when she sent me pictures....she was watching her next door neighbours car flip over was insane...
I know on the day the hurricane i was said to hit the coast of new york i was up all night with a million different things around me all on different news websites tracking what was going on...I was in tears, most of all when i heard 'Sandy has claimed the life of a fire fighter after a tree falling on his truck' first death... that got me big time....i dont think ive cried as much over the past few days than i have in a long time. I was so scared seeing everything play out, seeing buildings burn to the getting smothered in sea water, subways getting flooded the death toll rising at a steady rate. It broke my heart, i know i'm not american and i know my upset and fear is times a billion for the people out there but i have so many friends out there and i feel at home in America, i love the culture, the people...i love my time...every second of it spent really is my home.
When i saw the photos the next day of Americans waking up to what had been left behind...even i was shocked, seriously, Ive never seen America like that, and i know im only in my 20's but then when people 70 were saying the same...
I dont want to put pictures on here because its not about that now...its not about that...its about rebuilding, its about helping people standing again, bringing people comfort and peace be they dead or alive....its about faith...its about America standing strong as a country, and the world standing strong with them...One of the first things that came to my head was...this looks even worse than 9/11...that i think made ME worse emotionally, but then i also remembered how well americans stood together then...and after crying i felt hope in my heart, hope that i had never felt before.
I think that now...well we cant do anything to change the past...or the future...i think god writes the plans and he is the only one who has the power to change things like that... I just pray that the dead are all found and can be put to rest properly and i hope all living are found, given comfort, protection and the care they need to recover.
God bless America.
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