Wednesday, 27 June 2012

Alaina Wood

I remember a few weeks back actually saying i would put this blog on and its stupid because its only just going on now but here it is :)  
i have this incredible friend called Alaina and i really felt the need to write something after spending more time with her in her home a few weeks back. 
Well i met Alaina about 6 1/2 years ago now taking my first YA workshop and that is the one where you had the whole thing going on with Gweedo...its crazy because i never really  got to speak to her in the time we were actually together and in the time that i were taking the workshop that year but we got talking after on myspace....yes my space it was that long ago, and i ended up regretting the fact i didn't go hug her all the times when i was dying to inside. Well anyway last year i was talking about her about the fact i wanted to visit America, and i knew in my heart that she HAD to be one of the people i needed to meet this time around...six years...well its stupid and awful...When she turned around and said i could stay with her i was in so much as a thank you i took her with me to Michigan and Nebraska with me too.  
This woman, she's just incredible and i think that spending almost two weeks literally traveling with just this one person i got to learn that even more so... in fact i learnt a lot more about myself when i was with her... i learnt that for a fact, there is such thing in the world as forgiveness and that people don't judge you for your past, i mean, ok she didn't know anything about my past...but... she never once judged me on anything that i told her and i mean anything.. This woman is kind, compassionate and caring and i literally couldn't believe she would give a crap about me... I know one night i got really upset...whilst we were in Michigan i think (not saying why trust me i had reason to be) and Alaina let me cry on my own for a while... (i have this thing when i'm upset if people come near me) she gave me some space that i needed and you guys on here cannot imagine what that meant. Normally when I'm crying i find it hard to breathe anyway and even more so when my heart is hurting like it was that day, so when i have people all over me, hugging me and trying to 'talk'.. it really does make everything worse i feel suffocated then i  end up getting angry and panic more....not good...Well anyway Alaina gave me time to calm myself down and then go to her to get a hug...on my terms and then sat hugging me for hours without moaning or complaining....i feel like...for me..that is a real friend..a person who understands you, even if they don't feel the way you do.  In Nebraska when i got to meet up with Rhonda i was so scared and so nervous and having about a 1000 mini panic attacks on the plane there...Alaina was the one there the entire time...i think that...i wouldn't have got out the if it had not been for her coming with me, and you can see by my previous blog that going to nebraska was the best thing i ever done...URGH i just have so much to be thankful for its unreal...even the subbing me money for the rest of the trip...
Please google her fitness company Alaina Wood Fitness (she has a blogger too) and if you are in the provo area of Utah maybe run along to one of her classes.. she really is awesome..such an incredible person.  
Alaina i love you, thank you so much for everything you have done.  I hope we meet again 

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