Saturday, 17 April 2010

Skins- London ♥

On thursday Charlotte and I went up to London so Charlotte could auditon for the TV programme skins (for those who don't know what that is, you just need to know, it's pretty much amazing) . Anywho...on the way to the station in the car we got lost which was not a good start...but then no ones fault...
When we got to the station and Charlotte went to get her ticket, the lady selling it asked 'auditon?'. However she thought it was for something like Britians gor talent. And it was stupid but just made me smile to see someone working there who was so friendly, open bubbly and chatty..happineesss :::)))))
When we got to the station at the other end, we literally got totally lost and did not have a clue where we was going, on our lost travels...we met a really awesome girl called Danni and this guy called Aaron..who were alos going to the skins auditon, and of whom were also, lost...hahaha :) We must have been walking for nearly an hour. Aaron map in hand trying to figure out just where we was actually meant to be going. Finally we decided that it would be easier if we actually asked someone if they knew where to go, then about half hour later, after walking in the direction we had been pointed in, we finally found where we was suppossed to be all along..what good times :)
Then there was the endless queue outside for hours...but apart from that a good day..
I love meeting new people in such random situations, spesh when they are so nice, jsut so chatty, and we got on right away.
Never before have I seen Charlotte work like she did that day, i am so amazingly proud of her, shes wonderful, and inspires me greatly!!
Love you girl!! xxxxx

Sunday, 4 April 2010

Strong, when i am on your shoulders ♥

Today i just got back from what i think is one of the best 'class' riding lesson i have had in a long time...
I was having a major fat day again, and normally i get put on all the smaller ponies that have a much smaller weight limit..such as 8 1/2 - 9 stone...I literally felt that if i went on them today i would kill them so i asked if i could go on a bigger horse, when Chris said go on Charlie i was so happy as i haven't ridden him in a long while, apart from on private lessons...

First of all i had to find someone to actually help me get him out his stable, because hardly no-one will go near him for it...(he can bite, as i once found out)..then we had trouble with his saddle, not being far up enough to the withers etcetc, by the time i actually got into the lesson it had started ten minutes beforehand so i was really happy with him when he worked hard right from the start in his warm up to keep up with the other ponies and horses...
I never realised how much more of a forward going pony he is when he is in a class. i had to work much harder on my aids to keep him from going off on me!! Which he still done a few times when the horse in front went forward to canter! At one point i literally had to just let him go as it was impossible to stop him...

I loved spending abit of time with him again today :), i find he helps to improve my riding, as he is so bouncy i have to make sure he is checked back in trot before sitting otherwise i would be all over the place, i also need to make sure my aids are correct for going into a canter, otherwise he simply will not move...

He taught me alot and thats why i would like to write a little blog about him to let everyone know just how wonderful he really is!!!!

On a sad note i would like to say that Sadie and Valley passed away this week, Sadie was getting very old, and when i heard earlier on this week, it did not come as too much of a shock, However I still cried as she was a good all rounder, who has managed in her life to teach SO many adults and children basic riding, and ground work. Valley passed away on friday just after a X country course, i take comfort in the fact that as she has a heart attack it would have been quick, she would not have known..Valley is a special horse as i had my first ever riding lesson on her at eastminster back in 2005...

Both will be missed.....
Always in my heart

Free from hunger and pain
Their spirits are free
Until we ride again xxxx

Saturday, 3 April 2010

Operation Beautiful

Yesterday, Charlotte and I went around balsidon park sticking notes everywhere, to inspire, give hope and change lives.
With our inspiration coming from a wonderful site called operation beautiful, we must have wrote about 50 notes to put up everywhere...
Little quote lines such as
'I believe in you'
'Be the change you wish to see in the world'
'Who's to say the sky is the limit when there are footprints on the moon?'
'Beauty comes in all shapes and sizes'
'Be your own sunshine when the sky is too cloudy'
And so many others...

It's about believing in the other people that live in this earth, the main area we decided to go to was an area which many troubled teens hang out and go to cause trouble...this could be because the are lost, confused and feel they have no one, so decide to turn to crime as a means to fit in, which is not in any way a right thing to do.
We posted notes to tell them to find their own person, and to NOT be someone who they feel they have to be for people to like them..Notes telling them who TRUE friends are, the ones who will stick by you though thick and thin are the ones i am talking about...

Ok, so Operation beautiful was geared towards woman, to remind them they are all beautiful. but i think just maybe it can go further than that.... :) I hope that any one who reads this will now have a look at that site, they really do some wonderful things, thats one place that has helped me alot :)

Love xxxx